Association Of Professional Counseling Psychologists
Mobilise and Create new Professional Counseling Platform in Kerala
There are innumerable problems of adjustment faced by one and all in our society. Life is a continuous process of adjustment. Each day we make countless adjustments, most of them apparently insignificant and many of them carried out more or less automatically, with no particular thought and often without awareness. Coming in out of the rain is an adjustment. So is scratching an itch, smiling at the approach of a friend, dealing with a problem in human relations, enrolling in a course, working diligently on an assignment, "playing up to" your instructor, getting married, or seeking a divorce and so on. Types of adjustments such as biological adjustment, adjustment to social environment and adjustment to the self are important.
A significant aspect of psychological adjustment is adjustment to other people. Here comes the distinction between personal adjustment and personality integration. We may identify this area of interest as the psychology of interpersonal relations – a term coined by Harry Stack Sullivan. In popular usage, we are likely to regard him as a well adjusted person who "gets along" with other people. Such a well adjusted person may be pleasant, considerate, likable and socially deft.
Due to lack of psychological adjustments, responses or silent response of many individuals in our society often become a stressor, which ultimately form the basis for a mental health problem/aggression/suicide. If not timely treated, it becomes a chronic illness and a burden on the society. Aggression on others, school college dropouts, suicides, marital breakdowns, aggression on women and children etc.are the result of lack of psychological adjustment. We envisage assertive training and fine tuning of personality to tide over this problem.